Hamas War

Friday, October 25, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #33- אחרי החגים After the Tishrei Holidays 5785


This War Musing is adapted from last night's "gnite" on Facebook. As some of you know, I write a message, rather unplanned every night before I go to bed. The words just come out, and it's as if my tapping fingers have minds of their own. Even when I sit down with a plan... I discover a very different message appearing on the screen. Please feel free to comment and share

It's now אחרי החגים after the Tishrei Holidays. Most of the Jewish month of Tishrei is full of Jewish Holidays, Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, Succot and Simchat Torah. Outside of Israel there's an extra day of Simchat Torah which is followed immediately by Shabbat, so those who observe Torah won't reach this milestone until three stars show Saturday night.
Last year's Simchat Torah was a nightmare. A Nazi like pogrom took place in Southern Israel. Reservists were called up on the holiday all over the country. Others just rushed out to help even though they hadn't been called.
Terrible tragedies and cruelty along with legendary heroism simultaneously.
Israeli military failed horrendously in every way. But the Israeli and Jewish People have been totally amazing.
During the previous year, there began attempts to reform our Judicial system, and our Defense Ministry needs reform, too, from the top.
We're still at war. More of our brave wonderful soldiers are dead and wounded. We must defeat the enemy. They must surrender, and we must resettle Gaza. Gd willing...

During Succot there was an important event promoting return to Jewish life in Gaza. Disengagement was a terrible mistake, as were the Oslo Accords. If you've been reading this blog and my statements/comments on Facebook, you know that I'm totally disgusted with Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu's pledges, in Congress, the UN General Assembly ad nauseum that we're not returning to live there.

Bibi is the Centrist/Leftist that he unabashedly pledged to be when I heard him speak at the International Jewish Bloggers Conference in 2008. This is ignored and denied even by those who were there with me. I know he said it; his policies prove it. That's why I don't vote for the Likud. I choose my party, election by election according to policies. 

I'm not married to a political party. Too many people vote for a specific party religiously. I don't. I follow my principles, not sentiment. Menachem Begin lost me when he gave all of the Sinai, the best buffer zone imaginable, to Egypt, including destroying all Jewish communities there, in exchange for promises of peace. How could it be peace if Jews are forbidden to live there? Another thing for you to think about... Saadat didn't want Gaza. 

Netanyahu wasn't part of the anti-Disengagement movement, which makes it no real surprise that he keeps saying that Israel isn't returning to live in Gaza, Gush Katif. He hasn't changed. Bibi's a Leftist who recites Right wing slogans. Even during this war, his government has destroyed Jewish homes instead of expanding Jewish communities. As Prime Minister he has destroyed many Jewish communities and neighborhoods. I look at policy, not slogans.

Policing a territory or country doesn't work, if you're not living there. The USA fled Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan... when their policing didn't work. The same happened to Israel in Lebanon, and now Biden has made it clear that he has a policy plan for "after the war." The USA will establish a Palestinian State and police it. By what right? 

I'm an old lady. I've been in Israel since 1970. During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, I was a young mother of two in Jerusalem and felt that there was something very suspicious in the actions of the United States. I envisioned them as planning for a draw, victory for neither Israel or Egypt allowing the Americans to enter and rule. It took a few years until the truth came out. The USA was involved in the war before the first bullet was fired, hiding it all from Israel. They have admitted it. Bruce Brill's book Deceit of an Ally was approved by American censors. Brill's memoir proves that my suspicions were on the right track. Yes, I've written about this before.

Shabbat's soon, and I must finish this, even if there's more to say. I'm looking forward to reading your reactions...

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #32- Har Habayit, Temple Mount- What Took Me So Long?

Selfie with me and my husband

On Sunday, during Succot, I ascended Har Habayit-The Temple Mount for the second time. I'm embarrassed to say that it was only the second time. Here's something I wrote about my first, though for some reason the photos don't show. In another post, you can see the photos, though none of me.

A few days ago, I decided that I just had to ascend Har Habayit. One year of war. The world is so against us. The physical spiritual center of Judaism is Har Habayit, Jerusalem. I felt the need to be there. When my husband said he planned on ascending this Sunday, I told him that I'd be accompanying him.

Honestly, although I'm totally in favor of Jews ascending Har HaBayit, I'm not a "regular." Decades ago, my husband had had some "bad" experiences, which caused me some trauma. I did go a few years ago with friends but found the "security" inspection and unpleasant atmosphere for Jews too disturbing. My hang-ups...

On Sunday, it was a different world. I didn't have to go with an empty bag. It's not that those in our "group" took out siddurim* for prayers, but if we had siddurim we didn't have to leave them outside of security.
Jews aren't allowed to wander freely around Har Habayit. We're grouped by the entrance staff and then escorted by a few policemen. Most or possibly all of ours were Jewish. The policeman in charge was definitely religious. Not only was he wearing a kippah, but he had long peyot**. 

One person in our group led some prayers, something that only a few years ago would have been forcibly stopped. The only response was that we were told that our time up on the Holy Temple Mount was timed, and that standing still meant that we wouldn't get the "full tour."

Friends of mine, who ascend frequently, have been saying how much more pleasant and spiritual it now is. I now agree and hope to ascend more frequently. There is no place in the world holier for Jews. The First and Second Holy Temples were up there. We pray fervently that the Third Temple will be built במהירה בימינו speedily in our time...

*prayer book
**uncut hair on the part of the his face where Elvis grew his sideburns

Monday, October 14, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #31-Which Jews Would You Put in The Top 50?

I was disgusted when I saw the Jerusalem Post's #1

In response I wrote a letter to the editor. After waiting a week and not seeing it published, I decided to blog it and welcome your responses. 


When I saw the photo of Doug Emhoff on the cover of the Rosh Hashanah magazine of the Jerusalem Post, I felt sick. It took me two days to even open the magazine. Emhoff? Really? What were the editors of the Jerusalem Post thinking of? The guy married an ambitious biracial/biethnic non-Jewish woman who's running for President of the USA. 
How does that make him more special, more important than our IDF soldiers risking their lives, health to defend the State of Israel?
How does that make him more special than the survivors of the horrendously cruel attacks by our perverse enemies on October 7, 2023? 
How does that make him more special than the Israelis whose homes and communities were destroyed by the Gazan Hamas and their allies?
How does that make him more special than the brave Israelis still marrying and having children during this horrendous war?

Need I go on? 
Busha! You should be embarrassed!!

I couldn't read that magazine. After two days I turned the page and quickly slammed it shut. I've worked in advertising, and the first rule is that your cover should make people want to read the magazine/book whatever.
Jerusalem Post, you've failed. How could you promote Doug Emhoff and his wife against Donald Trump who had been the most pro Israel USA President ever? You're playing politics promoting the most unabashed anti-Israel candidate ever!

Batya Medad, Shiloh

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #30, Post Rosh Hashanah, Disturbing...

Here is another of Facebook my pre bedtime musings...
Before I sat down to write this one, I had totally different thoughts concerning what I'd write. But surprisingly different words began to appear on my screen. 
Please read it, and tell me what you think, thanks.

Three days offline, no news, no travel, too much food...
Two days of Rosh Hashannah, shofar blasts, prayers...
Then a day of Shabbat...
Time and meals with friends, learning...
Almost half a week, we could almost pretend it was a regular year...
But we were on alert... could there be another massive attack?
What's going on in the rest of the country?
How are our children? Soldiers?
Will we be inundated with bad, tragic news once Shabbat ends?
When will we win this war? Destroy the enemies? See them surrender?
I feel more worried by the minute...
It's preposterous and dangerous to negotiate with someone who wants to destroy you 😒
Get real!
On the Jewish calendar it's a new year. 5785 תשפ"ה
We must pray and fight and work hard to change things for the better. The world wants us destroyed. They are only concerned about the safety and health of Hamas, Hizbolla, Gaza and Lebanon. Do you hear condemnations of those who murdered, raped, captured innocent Israelis? We have no reliable allies. We must stop asking the USA, UN and others for help.
It's time to unify, pray to Gd and fight to win.
Shavua Tov
Gmar Chatimah Tovah

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #29 How Will History Judge Bibi?

Recent weeks, I've found myself writing a short, but not sweet, gnite message on Facebook after taking out my hearing aids, taking off my "dog tag" necklace and eyeglasses before going to bed. It's illustrated with a photo showing whatever I'm reading, plus those accessories. I don't really plan what I'm going to write. It just flows... Letting my thoughts out is a good way to relax before trying to fall asleep.

I used to blog daily, before Facebook, and in my early days on Facebook. Nowadays I spend much more time on Facebook. It's hard to know how many people actually read my blog posts, while it's easier to get reactions on Facebook.

These gnite messages have been well received, so I'll be copying/sharing some here. I welcome your reactions, comments.

Thursday night, September 19, 2024
It's hard to believe that in less than 24 hours we'll be celebrating, observing our Holy Shabbat. And totally horrifying is the fact that it'll soon be a full year that we're at war.
Maybe I didn't use the right verb in the previous sentence. That's because the State of Israel isn't actually fighting the war. It has been in a strange dangerous paralysis for most of the past 11 months.
To win, be truly victorious, we must fight. No mercy to the enemy.
I haven't seen that at all.
If Gd forbid there isn't a change soon, some day in the future, military historians will explain that Bibi's adoption of an unprecedented woke "morality" of warning the enemy before bombing, feeding the enemy etc prevented Israel from achieving the victory they could have easily won.
What do you think?

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Elul and the Truth About this War, Guest Post by Netivot Girl

It is Elul. For religious Jews this is a time for contemplation and trying to better ourselves. I made Aliya in 1977 and have never regretted that decision. Friends from abroad ask me if I feel safe. Well, given the rampant anti-Semitism against Jews the world over, I can honestly say yes. However, there are so many things that trouble me. I am incredibly disappointed that many of our politicians and IDF heads have refused to take upon themselves responsibility for the massacre of October 7th. It galls me that our Chief of Staff Herzl Ha'Levi not only has refused to do so; he is continuing to promote his buddies to important IDF posts.

It is unforgivable that the UN and many nations have labeled us with words that FB won't allow me to post!! Where were their voices when many hundreds of our women were gang-raped? The 'Me Too Movement' is for every woman who is not Israeli or Jewish? The barbarians who raped our women had their friends photograph them on their phones. The same with the burning of babies in their cribs; where was the outcry? The perpetrators of these barbaric actions used their phones to document their actions. Yes, the war goes on. But it could have ended months ago had Hamas fighters laid down their arms and returned our hostages. I believe that the hypocrisy of the world is sickening. The UN has yet to denounce Hamas' horrific behavior. The Red Cross never went to investigate the conditions of our hostages, very few of whom are still alive IMHO. Has the world lost its moral compass? I believe it has indeed. Colonel Richard Kemp was a commander of British troops in Afghanistan; he has repeatedly commented that our IDF (Israel Defense Forces) is the most moral army in the world. Sadly, we have lost far too many of our IDF personnel because of that. Our troops have dropped leaflets and even phoned Gazans recommending that they leave any area that will be bombed in the near future. Unlike the USA, we do NOT carpet bomb. If Israel is conducting genocide, then how is it that the number of Gazans has greatly risen during the past few years????

Many thousands of my fellow Israelis have been living in hotels for many months as Hezbollah continues to destroy homes, farmland and other buildings up north. Where is the outcry? We are America's most important ally in the Middle East. Many Muslim Arabs are policemen and even sit in our Knesset. We are NOT an apartheid state; you can see women wearing veils in nearby Beer Sheva; I see them all the time. Moreover many Arabs sit as judges in our courts. Samer Haj Yehia was named the chairman of the board of directors of Bank Leumi, one of Israel's largest banks in 2019. Unlike every single Arab country in our area, gays are allowed to be open about their sexual orientation. In fact, the Speaker of our Knesset is gay; married and has a few children. (He is among the very few Likud politicians for whom I still hold respect.) Douglas Murray is an author of many bestselling books. HE has been in Gaza numerous times during the years. A British gay non-Jew, he remains one of Israel's staunchest defenders. He 'gets it;' he knows what's going on. He visited the site where volunteers spent MONTHS using DNA and other information to discover the identity of the thousands of bodies that were left to rot.

So, if you are Jewish, please be a proud Jew. Stand up against the numerous anti-Israel protests. And most importantly, check the facts before you attack us verbally or otherwise. May He above have mercy on us in our tiny country. I write this as a resident of Netivot which has been rocketed by Hamas since Israel pulled out all of its citizens from Gaza in 2005. We left millions of dollars worth of agricultural equipment which could have aided Gaza's Muslim population turn that strip of land into a modern-day Singapore. Instead, those idiots burned all of that equipment down! Gaza WAS a free entity from 2005 until the October 7th massacre of 2023. Do I expect anyone to change their opinions because of this post? No I do not; anti-Zionism is the newest nomenclature for anti-Semitism. You are either with us or against us. To my fellow Israelis I say, "Stand tough and be unified." To other people I say, when we said the words, "Never Again" we sure as he*l meant them!! Stay safe and please feel free to share this post.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #28 Useful Idiots

Here in Israel useful idiots have taken to the streets demanding that the elected government kowtow to terrorists' demands. 

Here in Israel useful idiots are blaming the government for the acts of the terrorists instead of strengthening the government to fight our enemies. 

FOLLOW THE MONEY #followthemoney 

Who's controlling the useful idiots? 

International Leftists, Progressives the pro Gaza pro Hamas crowd. 

Unfortunately Bibi is too weak and isn't properly defending us. Defending us means Judicial Reform and court-martialing/firing head military honchos who failed totally October 7. It also means that the IDF and its generals shouldn't consider themselves independent of the elected government. Bibi, as the longest serving Prime Minister has always taken the easy way out and let them continue making policy. That's how we got into this mess.

Even worse is that the Likud voters, supporters and most of the MKs are too afraid to force Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu to retire from the Knesset, retire from his position as Prime Minister. We need true leadership, not the fake stuff, the fancy oratory we have now.

The useful idiots are blaming Bibi for holding the hostages, which makes no sense. He's not holding them.

The useful idiots are demanding that Bibi free the hostages. How can he free them when he's not holding them? And when the IDF gets close to rescuing them, Hamas now executes them. And what do the useful idiots then say? That their execution was Bibi's fault. Duh?

Now to tell you the truth, I've been against Bibi Netanyahu for years, well over a decade to be exact. I caught onto his game in 2008. He talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. His recent talk in Congress followed the same pattern as at the International Jewish Bloggers Convention in 2008. First Bibi hypnotizes his followers with very nationalist Right wing rhetoric, and then when he has almost his entire audience/followers hypnotized he tells the truth. But they somehow don't hear it. Somehow I hear it. In 2008 he said that when he returns to the position as Prime Minister, he'd be a centrist. Think of all the Jewish homes and communities have been destroyed during Netanyahu's time as Prime Minister. In Congress he made three dangerous promises.

  1. Israelis won't return to live in Gaza.
  2. He "envisions" peaceful Gazans policing themselves.
  3. He proudly bragged that Israel is the most moral army protecting innocent sic Gazan civilians-- even though it endangers Israeli soldiers
I find it really strange that I'm the only one who heard that. Listen or read the transcript of the speech, and you'll see that I'm correct. Unfortunately, even loyal Likud activists, politicians and voters are also useful idiots.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Elul-- Join Us for Rosh Chodesh Prayers


Especially during this awful war, we need to pray together to Gd, and there are few places holier than Ancient Shiloh. Archeologists and Biblical scholars all agree that Shiloh is the Shiloh of the Bible where the Tabernacle rested for close to four hundred 400 years, where Hannah had prayed for a son...

Hannah prayed to Gd for a son whom she'd educate to serve Gd, and as a result Samuel was born to her.

Ancient Shiloh is a wonderful archeology site with lots of things to see and do. If you want more information contact its office 972 2-578-9111 or visit@telshilo.org.il. You can reach it by car or bus. It's a few minutes' walk from the Shiloh Junction bus stop. By car either off of highway 60 or west of the Alon Road via Shiloh Valley, Shvut Rachel and Shiloh.

Friday, August 16, 2024

The Political Me and Bibi's Congress Speech


Some of my favorite "buttons" from the past

I don't like it when people think they can label me or presume they know my opinions. I'm not that easy to label. I don't take orders from anyone. I make my own decisions. And sometimes my opinions are like no one else's. 

Here's something I wrote recently on facebook.

I have never been loyal to a particular political party in any country. I look only at policies, even more than leaders.
Over the decades I've seen too many politicians and political parties desert principles.
I'm a purist. I don't trust anyone. If something stinks, then it goes... that includes politicians and political parties.
Speeches and oratory aren't policies and facts on the ground. Promises are promises...

I know that not everyone understands this. Too many people say that they only, or have always vote for a particular party; they're loyal to it. They make their decisions, decide their opinions according to party leaders. They trust their party and its leaders. I'm not like that. Sorry.

When I started demonstrating for Soviet Jewry, demanding that the leaders of the USSR release Soviet Jews from their prison-like country. One of the signs we held up showed the number of synagogues that had been in various cities that became part of the Soviet Union in 1917. Those numbers were compared with the number of synagogues in the same cities in 1965. Yes, there were far fewer. The message was very clear. Communism doesn't allow people religious freedom in addition to not allowing them to leave the country. 

"Enlightened" sic Americans were still enthralled with the idea of communism and socialism. Not me. I didn't go to the same demonstrations my peers attended "religiously." You could say that I chose a "different religion." My determined observance of Torah Laws certainly separated me from fellow Jewish students. Then I discovered Zionism, the mitzvah, religious requirement, to live in our Holy Land. That's why I live here in the holy city of Shiloh, the same place written about in the Bible, where the Ancient Tabernacle had stood for almost four hundred 400 years. 

I go straight to the source and I abhor double-talk, which is a reason I don't trust Prime Minister Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu. I've been listening to him and observing his policies for many years. He has been conning the Israeli public and people all over the world pretending to be a strong Right patriot, but his policies are something else entirely. So are his speeches. The important thing is to listen to the end. I caught onto that many, many years ago. 

Netanyahu's recent Congress speech was the same pattern/structure as what I heard in August, 2008. He hypnotizes people in the first part of his speeches, and then when most people are no longer listening to the details he tells the truth. By then most people aren't paying attention to the details; he has captured them. When I heard Bibi at the First International Jewish Bloggers Convention he announced that he'd return to office as Prime Minister as a "centrist." I heard him clearly, but it doesn't seem like others had paid attention.

The first three quarters 3/4 or so of Netanyahu's Congress address was wonderful. Yes, of course, Binyamin Netanyahu is certainly one of the world's greatest orators. He's responsible for his speeches, not hired writers. You can see it clearly when it's off the cuff. His knowledge of world and Jewish history qualifies him to teach in universities like his father had. But that doesn't mean that his policies, especially military/security are what the State of Israel needs.

Soon after Netanyahu voiced the slogan #neveragainisNOW which is one even I use on X, Instagram and Facebook, he took a different turn. He pledged that Israelis wouldn't return to live in Gaza, and from there it went downhill. That was a slap in the face to our brave soldiers who had fought so hard to destroy the terrorists and return to Gush Katif. It's so obvious to many of us that there can never be true peace if we're just policing Gaza and not living there.

After that Bibi sounded like 1960's druggy Leftist when he said that he "envisioned" peaceful Gazans ruling themselves. Duh? There's nothing pragmatic, realistic, intelligent about that...

If that wasn't enough, Netanyahu began bragging about Israel having "the most moral army" ever. Honestly, I don't think it's moral to endanger your own soldiers to protect the enemy. Over twenty years ago, local Shiloh soldier Avihu Keinan, HaY"D was killed in such an army action. Instead of destroying a building, which was believed to be in enemy hands, Avihu was sent in the inspect it, and then he was killed. His father organized various marches and demonstrations against the policy, and I attended and wrote about them. I remember Moshe Keinan asking "Why is Ahmad's life more important than my son's?" That's why I get very upset every time the Prime Minister and other government officials claim this policy is so wonderful, worth bragging about. It's so obvious that the Hamas terrorists will never surrender when we feed them and provide medicines. 

I call it suicidal. I'm a realist. And remember that terrorists don't wear uniforms. Photos publicized by the terrorists of October 7th, show clearly that CIVILIANS of ALL AGES were the rapists, murderers and arsonists. So why are we protecting Gazans as if they hadn't been involved? There's that famous recording of a phone call between a young Gazan terrorist and his parents bragging about murdering ten Israelis. His parents praised him.

Why is Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu bragging to the world about protecting, feeding and and sending medical care to terrorists?

Think about it...

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #27: Ultimate War Aim VICTORY!

 Recently this sign has been seen on the roads. I agree with it.


It's not easy to get these slogans into comprehensible English, but I've tried to get the message across. 

I've been too depressed about Israel's policies to blog about the war recently. That's because Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has not been governing/fighting to win. This isn't new. He has failed as Prime Minister and not for the reasons the antigovernment Leftists keep shouting. Their opposition to him is what keeps me going... they remind me that things could be even worse. Yes, if they were in charge.

Follow the money...
The money bags funding these "anyone but Bibi," anti-Bibi, anti-judicial reform etc demonstrations are a gazillion times worse than Bibi. He's horrendously weak, trying to be "centrist" as he unabashedly stated/bragged at the First International Jewish Bloggers Conference as I blogged when I heard it.

The same money sources are funding the anti-Israel American flag-burning demonstrations in the USA. World stability is in danger. The USA is a major problem. Not that long ago, anyone burning an American flag would be arrested; now they're ignored by the police. Schools are teaching that Israel must be destroyed. Jews are in danger. Anyone who sees the holes, the inequality, the inconsistencies and dangers in their ideology has a problem...

Just like in Israel, when they lose elections they take to the streets. Do you remember the NOT MY PRESIDENT demonstrations? 

Netanyahu has been Prime Minister more years than any other person, and at that position he's a good example of the "Peter's Principle, A person rises to his level of incompetence." His true talents, expertise is oratory, not defense, meaning he's make a good Foreign Minister. He was also a great Finance Minister, another talent.

Under Netanyahu's "leadership" sic, we've quit about a dozen wars without winning them. He and his cohorts called them "operations" and decided that lowering the intensity of the attacks, plus using defensive Iron Domes, equaled "winning." 

I kept seeing those other attacks as "target practice" expecting, as did happen, that our dangerous enemies would get better and better aim, more effective in hitting us. 

Bibi's so terrified of a war that instead of fighting our enemies he plays "games," surrendering our land by pulling people out of their homes. Yes, that's what he has done. 

I must write my review of Netanyahu's speech in the US Congress. It follows the same structure as his speech at the bloggers convention in 2008. Listen carefully until the end, and tell me what you've heard.  Yes, I must write up my review...

Gd willing a miracle, true leadership which is the only way we can destroy our enemies.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #26: Indisputable Victory, Gd Willing


The other day I took the bus to Shaar Binyamin, a large shopping area just north of Jerusalem, or describe it as on the way to Jerusalem for a large part of the Mateh Binyamin Regional Council. While wandering around the Rami Levi Discount Supermarket, which has grown since I worked in its Yafiz clothing store, I noticed these classic Israeli blue and white hats. I was excited to see on them a new perfectly timely slogan:

 ניצחון מוחלט nitzachon muchlat Indisputable Victory

Many of us probably think that such a policy would be obvious, no need to shout it out. But unfortunately since Likud's Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu had begun serving as prime minister a couple of decades ago, such a thing hasn't happened. Yes, I know that he talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk.

Bibi is our longest serving prime minister, and his multiple terms have seen us suffer through more wars than any other. But he doesn't like the word "war." He has this creative "name team" that makes up other terms/words euphemisms for wars. He loves calling them "operations," trying to give the long suffering Israeli population the idea that we're not at war. You can also use the word "skirmish." Anything but war, because if it's a war, we have to really win it, meaning that the enemy should surrender. 

The routine has been that our cities and towns are bombed by dangerous rockets shot by Gazan terrorists. Miraculously few Israelis are killed. Bibi thanks the Iron Dome, an Israeli invention that we foolishly gave the Americans the rights to produce some necessary parts instead of making sure it's 100% made in Israel. That's why America has us hanging...

Israel's response is to waste our weapons. We faux morally warn the enemy to leave their buildings, so innocents shouldn't be harmed. Now, do you really think that only innocents--as if there are any truly innocent Gazans-- leave the buildings? We bomb empty buildings bragging that we're a "moral army." Our soldiers also carefully enter building to look for "civilians" rather than just destroying them. Many IDF soldiers are killed in the process. The truth is that we're the laughing stocks of the world. Our enemies consider us totally nuts, and they're right.

Instead of fighting until the enemy surrenders, we bomb empty buildings as if bombing empty buildings will make them surrender, Bibi tells us that "we showed them; now they know not to tempt us to fight." That may have been convincing the first time, but we've had too many reruns. 

It's more accurate to call these short wars "target practice for the terrorists."

I don't understand why Netanyahu hasn't been kicked out of office already. Why do people still trust and vote for him? As I keep reminding everyone, I wasn't alone when I heard him say he'd rule as a "centrist." Read Impressive, August, 2008.

This is also from Rami Levi, and I wear it everyday instead of my fashionable necklaces. It says:


We have to fight to win!
We must destroy the enemy-- no warnings!
--no food, water, fuel for the enemy!

War isn't a game. 
We're fighting for our very survival.
An Indisputable Victory, Gd Willing