Biblical Shiloh |
This starts with one of my "Gnites" on facebook, but then I continue with more details and history.
As happy as I am that Donald Trump won the election and is now POTUS again, Israel must not depend on him. We are supposed to be an independent sovereign country.
Trump's policies vis-à-vis Israel are better than any of his predecessors, but he's not our ruler, and one can't count on all of his policies and ideas to be good for us.
The Israeli Prime Minister must act as a strong leader and not a weak follower. Unfortunately, Bibi is a very weak PM who tries to be "moderate" aka "centrist," which is what he said he would be when I heard him in 2008, "Shiloh Musings Impressive."
After hearing that speech I pictured Bibi as being held immobile by a bagel. Unfortunately, he has proven me correct.
Prime Minister Netanyahu is a talented orator and actor, but he doesn't have the guts to lead us into victory. He's too busy trying to ingratiate himself with those who really don't care about Israel's survival. That's why he brags about his dangerous "morality," warning the enemy, so no alleged innocent civilians would be killed.
The attack on October 7, 2023 proved that there aren't innocent Gazans. The Gazans that many Israelis in the south had considered as friends were those who enthusiastically showed their true colors as Hamas terrorists, murdering, raping, mutilated, incineration truly innocent, and in many cases, naïve Israelis.
There's only one way that the State of Israel can survive and thrive would be to act as a truly proud sovereign nation and recognize that we have only one reliable ally, Gd Almighty. With that, we must fight to win, resettle Gaza and expand Israeli sovereignty in Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and the rest of the State of Israel.
Remember that Zionism means the return to our well documented native Homeland. We've liberated it. It was conquered by Biblical heroes like Joshua. Please be careful of your vocabulary. Words have power.