Hamas War

Monday, March 24, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #44: Nothing's New, All in The Bible

Biblical Shiloh

This starts with one of my "Gnites" on facebook, but then I continue with more details and history.

As happy as I am that Donald Trump won the election and is now POTUS again, Israel must not depend on him. We are supposed to be an independent sovereign country.

Trump's policies vis-à-vis Israel are better than any of his predecessors, but he's not our ruler, and one can't count on all of his policies and ideas to be good for us.

The Israeli Prime Minister must act as a strong leader and not a weak follower. Unfortunately, Bibi is a very weak PM who tries to be "moderate" aka "centrist," which is what he said he would be when I heard him in 2008, "Shiloh Musings Impressive."

After hearing that speech I pictured Bibi as being held immobile by a bagel. Unfortunately, he has proven me correct.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is a talented orator and actor, but he doesn't have the guts to lead us into victory. He's too busy trying to ingratiate himself with those who really don't care about Israel's survival. That's why he brags about his dangerous "morality," warning the enemy, so no alleged innocent civilians would be killed.

The attack on October 7, 2023 proved that there aren't innocent Gazans. The Gazans that many Israelis in the south had considered as friends were those who enthusiastically showed their true colors as Hamas terrorists, murdering, raping, mutilated, incineration truly innocent, and in many cases, naïve Israelis.

There's only one way that the State of Israel can survive and thrive would be to act as a truly proud sovereign nation and recognize that we have only one reliable ally, Gd Almighty. With that, we must fight to win, resettle Gaza and expand Israeli sovereignty in Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and the rest of the State of Israel.

Remember that Zionism means the return to our well documented native Homeland. We've liberated it. It was conquered by Biblical heroes like Joshua. Please be careful of your vocabulary. Words have power.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #43: VICTORY Not Oratory


Day after day, lives lost to terror-- this war doesn't seem even close to the end. For me the end of the war must be our victory. If Bibi serves us another one of his ceasefires, I truly dread the next war. I also dread the increased Arab terrorism from the released convicted Arab terrorists and their increased confidence.

I can't lie. With Netanyahu in the drivers seat, I'm not optimistic. Please prove me wrong.

Here's last night's "Gnite:" 

The war is dragging on...
Poor leadership...
Bibi's a brilliant orator, but...
... being a Prime Minister demands other talents. If he had the other talents his orating skills would be the "cream on the cake," but without them, it's like getting sick because you just ate a bowl of sweet fatty cream...
Our country is sick now, and some people are yearning for a leader with the confidence and bargaining talents of a Donald Trump. They see that Bibi is weak in those categories, but Trump is American, not Israeli. His job isn't to save us. We Israelis must save ourselves. He won't stop and threaten us like Biden managed to do.
How is it that Biden, in his weakened state, still succeeded in terrifying and controlling Bibi Netanyahu? It doesn't say much for Bibi.
Hamas acts victorious, proud of its accomplishments, in control of the situation. They tested us by sending the body of a Gazan rather than Shiri Bibas. It's obvious that it was a test, because the minute Israel made a forceful complaint about it, the correct body was sent.
They're calling the shots...
I'm praying for a miracle. Either Bibi has a sudden personality change and becomes a brave, strong, confident leader taking us to #TotalVictory, or he resigns and someone else becomes Prime Minister, someone capable of leading us to VICTORY.
We're a small country and can't go on like this forever...
Gd willing, tomorrow...

What do you think? Don't be shy. Please comment and share, thanks.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #42: FIGHT TO WIN! Only VICTORY!

This is the message I wrote last night on Facebook. Israelis are now starting to face the fact that there are very few living hostages. Most have been murdered by the Hamas terrorists, and that includes the young Bibas family. 

We're paying for the few survivors plus bodies and difficult to identify remains with live healthy convicted Arab terrorists. We're emptying the jails and filling the hospitals and cemeteries, including future Arab terror victims. This is insane, and the people responsible for our lack of immediate military response, government, security and IDF haven't been fired, charged etc. Almost none have even admitted mistakes to the citizens of Israel. 

Think about it...

PS because of changes in blogger, I can't use any of my newer photos, just those that I've already posted.


Most Israelis are trying to wrap their heads around the news that the two cute Bibas kids, their mother and probably most of the remaining hostages, really are dead, murdered by the Hamas terrorists adored by our enemies who claim to be our friends.
In exchange the terrorists get more terrorists for their vicious perverse cruel "army" to murder more Jews.
Yes, as far as I'm concerned, all those who support Hamas and/or chant "From the River to the Sea" etc are our enemies. They support the destruction of the State of Israel. Even if they're so stupid they've never seen a map of Israel, that's no excuse. It just means that they are dangerously useful idiots.
Ditto to all of those who support a "two state solution," which would be the "final solution" for the Gd forbid destruction of the State of Israel.
Yes, I'm blunt. I look at the facts.
Bibi is a record-breaking Prime Minister. There have been more wars under his rule than an other Israeli leader. Actually I don't know if any other country has had as many wars as we've had since Bibi became PM. Of course, he doesn't call them wars, even when our enemies attack us, and we never have a real victory. When they finish their target practice, he proudly declares it's over "and they won't try anything again," but the ceasefire only lasts until the next time...
Somehow Bibi has mesmerized the Likud and its loyal voters... he should have been fired years ago... He's a failure. Hamas is calling the shots and even decides where the released terrorists go.
Under Bibi's rule Israel has surrendered.
When is he going to be sent packing?
We won't need elections if the replacement is from the Likud. It just must be someone not afraid to do the right thing. FIGHT TO WIN. None of that "moral" army garbage. No other country has done it, because it's the road to disaster, to losing a war.
I hope I can fall asleep, but at least I wrote what I needed to say.
Gd willing we'll meet again in the morning.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #41: JNS, Reliable News IMHO

JNS is a multi-media news service based in Israel and the USA. Some of my favorite journalists work there, though I must admit that I don't agree with everything they say and write. One thing I have problem with is that they trust Prime Minister Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu and think he knows what he's doing. Read my previous Shiloh Musings posts to see my opinion and why. Despite that important point, there are still some very valuable articles and videos on on JNS. Unfortunately, we don't have much choice, so we take the best from what there is.

JD Vance and the defense of democracy | Jonathan Tobin Daily Ep 88

Speaking uncomfortable truths and standing against the grain | interview w/Mort Klein 

Melanie Phillips: 10 Steps the West Must Take In Order to Survive | Think Twice

Which do you like best? Why? and are there any others you recommend? Please mention in the comments, thanks.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #40: USA Faux Friend

The following is from my Facebook "Gnite" posts. Before I go to bed, I let loose on Facebook whatever is really bothering me. Generally these posts aren't at all planned; they just flow.

I'd appreciate if you'd read, comment and share, thanks.

I'm an old lady, past retirement age. I've been following politics and history since I was a child in New York. My life decisions aren't the standard and not as I was raised. I'm a Torah Observant Jew since my teens, thanks to what I learned and experienced in NCSY and made aliyah (moved to Israel,) with my husband since just after our 1970 wedding. That's my background in a nutshell. 

Please read, thanks...

What's going to happen 12 noon on Shabbat? Jerusalem time or Washington DC? Not clear to me...
Hamas isn't afraid of Bibi. That's for sure. It has been revealed that Gazans were readying for a surrender over a year ago, but then Bibi followed Biden's orders and began feeding the Gazans... so we lost.
Bibi is more American than I am.
I feel no loyalty, nor do I have any trust in the USA. The American State Department, Defense Department etc don't know what's best for Israel and have never cared about our survival. Way back when, during Harry Truman's presidency, he was told by the State Department not to vote "yes" in the infant United Nations for a Jewish State. Truman defied them.
Two decades later, when Egypt was threatening to destroy Israel with the help of their allies, Syria and Jordan. The USA was quiet.
Six years later they knew all about Egypt's plan to attack Israel and refused to warn Israel. Read Deceit of an Ally by Bruce Brill.
Almost a half a century later, deja vu, Biden was flown to Israel by his handlers to force Bibi to treat Hamas Gaza with kid gloves, send in "humanitarian aid" and continue with the farcical fokokt "moral" waste of our weapons to protect "innocent" Gazans civilians. Of course this totally ignores the fact that Gazan civilians are terrorists and invaded, murdered Gazans civilians, raped, decapitated, incinerated truly innocent Israelis on October 7, 2023. And the Americans quickly announced that their plan for "after" was to establish a Palestinian State. Their timing is very suspicious... It takes years for the State Department to plan things... right? So, the chances are... the attack wasn't a surprise for the Americans...
If my blog and FB posts had been more popular, I'd be one of those targeted... What do you think?
Food for thought...
Past my bedtime. Gd willing see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #39: Bibi Makes Arik Sharon Look Good


I wrote a version of this the other night on Facebook before I went to sleep. Many of you already know that I write a "Gnite" post before going to sleep. 

This war is driving me crazy. It seems like we'll be at war forever...
We have a government that's afraid to win. Yes, they're trying "appeasement," which doesn't give security, doesn't give a victory.
Bibi won't do anything without the permission of the USA, and that was even when anti-Israel Democrat Joe Biden was the president. Now he wants Trump's permission/support.

Bibi Netanyahu has given up our sovereignty, Israeli independence.

Deja vu to those of us who study the Tanach/Bible. One of the most repeated messages from the Nevi'im, Prophets is not to depend on foreign countries; then that meant Assyria and Egypt. Now it's the USA. Gd will only help us if we only go to Him and not to foreigners.
That's how we won so quickly and resoundingly in 1967; we had no foreign ally. In 1973 we almost lost, but then Arik Sharon, in his life's greatest action:
Sharon replied, "You don't know? We will cross the Suez Canal and the war will end over there." Sharon arrived at the front, to participate in his fourth war, in a civilian car.[44] His forces did not engage the Egyptian Army immediately, despite his requests. Under cover of darkness, Sharon's forces moved to a point on the Suez Canal that had been prepared before the war. In a move that again thwarted the commands of his superiors, Sharon's division crossed the Suez, effectively winning the war for Israel.[17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_Sharon....
Today we don't have an Arik Sharon, who later destroyed his good name by initiating Disengagement, removing the IDF and Israeli citizens, dead and alive from the Gaza Strip. It was his undoing, and we're paying the price decades later.
When he was good, he was very, very good, but when he was bad, he was HORRID!
The Leftist, American trained mafia which has been running the Israeli defense establishment in recent decades promotes yes-men, and a military leader like Arik Sharon would have been retired young and not welcomed as a reservist in recent decades. Remember that the Yom Kippur War was over half a century ago.

In recent years, decades maybe, potential IDF top officers are sent for training and instructions from the USA. Please remember that the USA has never fought a war in the USA, for its survival. Its specialty is fleeing under fire, leaving its soldiers to be captured and die. That's how it has left foreign countries in recent decades. Israel copied it in Lebanon. I wish is was a "joke;" it's the truth.

Yes, very depressing
Very dangerous

Israel is a tiny country with many enemies and no reliable human and diplomatic allies.
Gd won't help when we do what we've been doing... I keep reading this warning in the Bible, Isaiah, Jeremiah and more...

Israel must produce its own weapons, made from Israeli parts. Military industries will bring money into our coffers. The USA has a rule, that if any part of a weapon is from the states, we can't market the weapon without American permission. Over decades they've offered us "parts" to destroy our industries and economy, to make Israel depended on them. They don't give us anything from the goodness of their hearts. It's to tie us up.

I don't see Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu as strong enough to change any of this. Think about it. He's not new to the position as Prime Minister. Actually, he's the longest serving Prime Minister in the history of the State of Israel. You should know what that means...

There's no one to blame for this mess other than Bibi and the Left he has been afraid to act against. Pay attention. Listen carefully. Bibi's oratory is on the Right, but his policies are firmly Left. Arik Sharon in his good days built up the Land of Israel, including the very neighborhood I live in. Bibi can't compete with Arik, doesn't come close.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #38: Bibi, VICTORY NOW!

What I want is very simple. 

I want a Prime Minister who clearly rules as Prime Minister of an independent sovereign country, who is not afraid to win a war, destroy our enemies. Stop the fokokt "morality" business. It endangers us and strengthens the enemy. This sicko policy has been followed for over twenty years, if not longer. I'm disgusted. Too many of our soldiers have been killed because of it, and now the country is in total danger. Bibi is a disaster, totally.

You know that I'm no youngster. I may forget why I walked into a room or names that I've known forever, but there are things I know and remember really well. One of them is that a young neighbor, who had been a friend of one of my sons, was killed in a badly planned army action, because the government was protecting the enemy. Yes, that faux fokokt morality Bibi is so proud of. I wrote this over twenty years ago “Aish Zarah—A Strange Fire” If you search this blog, you'll find many posts about Avihu Keinan, הי"ד. I suggest you do it. 

For me, this war is deja vu on steroids. 

And to all those who claim that nobody could be better than Bibi... Duh?!? Have you noticed that Israel was attacked over a year ago, and it took not minutes, not even a few hours, but much longer for the IDF to come to the rescue of our embattled citizens? This was under Bibi's watch/rule. Bibi Netanyahu is the longest serving Prime Minister. Yes, simple math. So who's responsible? BIBI!

This WAR isn't the first under Bib's rule. Honestly, I lost track. All those attacks over the years must be considered wars, even though Bibi insisted on giving them different names. And then he never fought to win, destroy the enemy. He just "mowed" them to "silence" as if they had accidentally misfired onto Israel's cities.

I don't understand how Israelis who consider themselves on the "Right" keep lying to themselves. The Left who have taken over the streets since they can't win elections are a different story... not for now.

Likud voters have been conned. 

I'm not a political party loyalist. I'm a CPA's daughter and look for the bottom line. What's the policy? What have they done, accomplished. I look at the facts. That's why I consider Netanyahu totally unsuccessful and dangerous. I heard him promise to be a "centrist" in 2008. Read this, because it explains it all. Centrists aren't leaders, and we need a true brave leader NOW!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #37- Israel's in Danger, Bibi, Take Responsibility!


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I give up with the pictures, my own photos, so I do have permission to use them...

Here I'll just copy a few things I've written over the past few weeks when I couldn't get on the computer.

Please read and share the link, thanks.

Gd Willing a good night's sleep. I sure need one.
Bibi could never be a successful businessman; he makes a fokokt deal. Maybe he's a decent chess player, but I doubt he's good at poker.
Even though there are still dozens of hostages (or their dead bodies) held by Hamas, Bibi has emptied the jails of Arab terrorists, murderers and rapists.
I don't understand how anyone can vote for Likud with Bibi at the helm.
Gd willing the released hostages will have good lives. I certainly have nothing against them or their families, but don't forget that dozens more families are desperate to be reunited with their loved ones, too.
Bibi is the longest serving Prime Minister of Israel. He must accept the blame for this war and whatever terrorism results from the release of the terrorists.
Gd Willing see you tomorrow.
PS if you agree with what I've written, please share, thanks

Tonight I was at a Melave Malka, post Shabbat event where the main speakers were family members of hostages. To make it clear, these hostages aren't on the "list."
At first I told my friend that I wouldn't say anything when the attendees were invited to speak, but I finally couldn't stay silent. I view the entire situation in a historical perspective the main speakers and 90% of the audience are too young to grasp without help. I hope I gave them food for thought. More important is that I hope people seriously listened to what I said. My view isn't the usual, and try to present it factually.
I did my best.
This deal includes releasing some of the most murderous Arab terrorists ever. Adolf Eichmann was executed, so why don't we execute Arab terrorists?

I'm totally exhausted, since I barely slept last night.
I've said all I have to say about the insanely suicidal deal...
Bibi is less a patriotic than Arik Sharon, no exaggeration.
Once my computer gets set, I'll blog.
Tired.... all so tired.
Gd Willing see you in the morning

Depressing time
The State of Israel is world leader in turning victory into defeat.
That's what we're suffering from today. As I think it was Kishon who wrote "So Sorry We Won."
That was after the 1967 Six Days War. Instead of reveling celebrating the great miracle Gd gave us and thankfully settling our precious Land, the government treated it as a plague, a burden. The prevailing MISCONCEPTION was that we could trade it for peace with our Arab neighbors.
The government only expanded Jerusalem borders and the Golan. The Jordan Valley was settled to grow summer fruit and vegetables for export. The same for northern Sinai, but Menachem Begin destroyed that.
The government also refused to call the Land by it's Jewish Biblical names. Instead of Judea, Samaria I live on the Westbank, territories "shtachim."
Today's mess is a continuation of that.
Bibi was raised by Revisionist Jabotinsky following parents, but he wants the approval and acceptance of the Leftists and the Americans. He doesn't have the guts to be the leader of a sovereign State of Israel.
History will judge him badly.
Gd Willing we'll survive. The proposed deal is horrendously dangerous. It's an invitation for more attacks and hostage taking.
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All reactions:
Michele Pogach, Sharon Pishner and 13 others