Hamas War

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #27: Ultimate War Aim VICTORY!

 Recently this sign has been seen on the roads. I agree with it.


It's not easy to get these slogans into comprehensible English, but I've tried to get the message across. 

I've been too depressed about Israel's policies to blog about the war recently. That's because Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has not been governing/fighting to win. This isn't new. He has failed as Prime Minister and not for the reasons the antigovernment Leftists keep shouting. Their opposition to him is what keeps me going... they remind me that things could be even worse. Yes, if they were in charge.

Follow the money...
The money bags funding these "anyone but Bibi," anti-Bibi, anti-judicial reform etc demonstrations are a gazillion times worse than Bibi. He's horrendously weak, trying to be "centrist" as he unabashedly stated/bragged at the First International Jewish Bloggers Conference as I blogged when I heard it.

The same money sources are funding the anti-Israel American flag-burning demonstrations in the USA. World stability is in danger. The USA is a major problem. Not that long ago, anyone burning an American flag would be arrested; now they're ignored by the police. Schools are teaching that Israel must be destroyed. Jews are in danger. Anyone who sees the holes, the inequality, the inconsistencies and dangers in their ideology has a problem...

Just like in Israel, when they lose elections they take to the streets. Do you remember the NOT MY PRESIDENT demonstrations? 

Netanyahu has been Prime Minister more years than any other person, and at that position he's a good example of the "Peter's Principle, A person rises to his level of incompetence." His true talents, expertise is oratory, not defense, meaning he's make a good Foreign Minister. He was also a great Finance Minister, another talent.

Under Netanyahu's "leadership" sic, we've quit about a dozen wars without winning them. He and his cohorts called them "operations" and decided that lowering the intensity of the attacks, plus using defensive Iron Domes, equaled "winning." 

I kept seeing those other attacks as "target practice" expecting, as did happen, that our dangerous enemies would get better and better aim, more effective in hitting us. 

Bibi's so terrified of a war that instead of fighting our enemies he plays "games," surrendering our land by pulling people out of their homes. Yes, that's what he has done. 

I must write my review of Netanyahu's speech in the US Congress. It follows the same structure as his speech at the bloggers convention in 2008. Listen carefully until the end, and tell me what you've heard.  Yes, I must write up my review...

Gd willing a miracle, true leadership which is the only way we can destroy our enemies.


Anonymous said...

Bibi is endangering the entire nation with his hesitancy and also his inability to control his war cabinet. He has lost control. The idea that we would sit and take missile attacks from Lebanon for 10 months and basically fight a war of attrition, is a losing battle . A war of attrition is the Iranian playbook/ weaken Israels defenses, manpower and weaponry, causing an economic downturn, forcing many to leave Israel . The only way we win is a preemptive strike on Lebanon and Iran. Nuke Iran before they nuke us. What the hell is he waiting for? And Gallant and Hagari are the worst- they would like a ceasefire in Gaza The problem is who can replace him? Especially now? Impossible. The people of Israel should storm his residence and drag him to give orders for a massive devastating strike on all of Lebanon- they are in essence Iran Hezbollah is Lebanon. And vice versa. Iran dan easily sustain this kind of war while they prepare for an inevitable nuclear strike. Those nukes are not for decoration.
Bibi is a clear and present danger to Israel. He is intimidated by Biden and world opinion. The other possibility is he has been paid off by Qatar. And the IDF top command have been infiltrated by the CIA and have Swiss bank accounts . This has been done before by America. They have overthrown many weak govts. They see Israel as a Banana Republic. Batya, every word you wrote is the truth, and it is alarming to think that Israel is led by cowards

Anonymous said...

The above comment is by Debbybee🐝✡️🙏🇮🇱

Batya said...

a, I wouldn't nuke them, but I'd hit with everything else and not warn anyone. No such thing as "innocent civilians," that includes Gaza.

Batya said...

thanks for commenting

Anonymous said...

I say nuke. They will nuke Israel. They are radical Islamists who believe in the end of the world, and war is justified Twelver Shiism is the largest branch of Shiite Islam, with about 85 percent of Shiite adhering to the belief in the 12th Imam. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, was a Twelver. So is the current Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. One of the reasons Iran is acting now is that Russia has promised to help Iran finish off its nuclear program and provide missiles for the nuclear weapons and also a nuclear umbrella, which will be Russian planes flying over Iranian airspace. This is in thanks for Iran’s help providing drones for the war in Ukraine. This threat is launching a nuclear arms race among the Sunni Gulf states. Saudi Arabia and many of the other Gulf states are already signing contracts to build nuclear reactors. Believe me Batya, we must act preemptively. Do u have any doubts that Iran, when ready will strike ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a, I wouldn't nuke them, but I'd hit with everything else and not warn anyone. No such thing as "innocent civilians," that includes Gaza. Agreed we ca never forget how they danced and passed out pizza the night of Oct 7. And when polled, 85 percent of Gazans believed the massacre was the right thing to do. So they can all see Allah soon

Anonymous said...

My mistake. Ahmandinejad is past president . Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even refer to the current coalition as leaders, more like lapdogs to the o'biden/harris mis-administration, and other globalist entities. Any Israeli politician who is, or has been a member of foreign organizations such as CFR, Council for Foreign Relations, WEF, WHO, Tri-lateral Commission, etc., should be automatically disqualified from holding public office in Israel. Same standards to apply for the Judiciary. Any official promoting globalist agendas, or global government is by definition a traitor to the people and the State of Israel. They are a clear and present danger to the sovereignty of the State.
I don't believe that Israel needs to deploy nuclear weapons against Iran, rather a large conventional strike against the Iranian parliament when it is in session and the headquarters of the IRGC. The Iranian people will take advantage of the resulting chaos and finish the job.


Batya said...

very true