Hamas War

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #38: Bibi, VICTORY NOW!

What I want is very simple. 

I want a Prime Minister who clearly rules as Prime Minister of an independent sovereign country, who is not afraid to win a war, destroy our enemies. Stop the fokokt "morality" business. It endangers us and strengthens the enemy. This sicko policy has been followed for over twenty years, if not longer. I'm disgusted. Too many of our soldiers have been killed because of it, and now the country is in total danger. Bibi is a disaster, totally.

You know that I'm no youngster. I may forget why I walked into a room or names that I've known forever, but there are things I know and remember really well. One of them is that a young neighbor, who had been a friend of one of my sons, was killed in a badly planned army action, because the government was protecting the enemy. Yes, that faux fokokt morality Bibi is so proud of. I wrote this over twenty years ago “Aish Zarah—A Strange Fire” If you search this blog, you'll find many posts about Avihu Keinan, הי"ד. I suggest you do it. 

For me, this war is deja vu on steroids. 

And to all those who claim that nobody could be better than Bibi... Duh?!? Have you noticed that Israel was attacked over a year ago, and it took not minutes, not even a few hours, but much longer for the IDF to come to the rescue of our embattled citizens? This was under Bibi's watch/rule. Bibi Netanyahu is the longest serving Prime Minister. Yes, simple math. So who's responsible? BIBI!

This WAR isn't the first under Bib's rule. Honestly, I lost track. All those attacks over the years must be considered wars, even though Bibi insisted on giving them different names. And then he never fought to win, destroy the enemy. He just "mowed" them to "silence" as if they had accidentally misfired onto Israel's cities.

I don't understand how Israelis who consider themselves on the "Right" keep lying to themselves. The Left who have taken over the streets since they can't win elections are a different story... not for now.

Likud voters have been conned. 

I'm not a political party loyalist. I'm a CPA's daughter and look for the bottom line. What's the policy? What have they done, accomplished. I look at the facts. That's why I consider Netanyahu totally unsuccessful and dangerous. I heard him promise to be a "centrist" in 2008. Read this, because it explains it all. Centrists aren't leaders, and we need a true brave leader NOW!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Hamas/Gaza War Musings #37- Israel's in Danger, Bibi, Take Responsibility!


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I give up with the pictures, my own photos, so I do have permission to use them...

Here I'll just copy a few things I've written over the past few weeks when I couldn't get on the computer.

Please read and share the link, thanks.

Gd Willing a good night's sleep. I sure need one.
Bibi could never be a successful businessman; he makes a fokokt deal. Maybe he's a decent chess player, but I doubt he's good at poker.
Even though there are still dozens of hostages (or their dead bodies) held by Hamas, Bibi has emptied the jails of Arab terrorists, murderers and rapists.
I don't understand how anyone can vote for Likud with Bibi at the helm.
Gd willing the released hostages will have good lives. I certainly have nothing against them or their families, but don't forget that dozens more families are desperate to be reunited with their loved ones, too.
Bibi is the longest serving Prime Minister of Israel. He must accept the blame for this war and whatever terrorism results from the release of the terrorists.
Gd Willing see you tomorrow.
PS if you agree with what I've written, please share, thanks

Tonight I was at a Melave Malka, post Shabbat event where the main speakers were family members of hostages. To make it clear, these hostages aren't on the "list."
At first I told my friend that I wouldn't say anything when the attendees were invited to speak, but I finally couldn't stay silent. I view the entire situation in a historical perspective the main speakers and 90% of the audience are too young to grasp without help. I hope I gave them food for thought. More important is that I hope people seriously listened to what I said. My view isn't the usual, and try to present it factually.
I did my best.
This deal includes releasing some of the most murderous Arab terrorists ever. Adolf Eichmann was executed, so why don't we execute Arab terrorists?

I'm totally exhausted, since I barely slept last night.
I've said all I have to say about the insanely suicidal deal...
Bibi is less a patriotic than Arik Sharon, no exaggeration.
Once my computer gets set, I'll blog.
Tired.... all so tired.
Gd Willing see you in the morning

Depressing time
The State of Israel is world leader in turning victory into defeat.
That's what we're suffering from today. As I think it was Kishon who wrote "So Sorry We Won."
That was after the 1967 Six Days War. Instead of reveling celebrating the great miracle Gd gave us and thankfully settling our precious Land, the government treated it as a plague, a burden. The prevailing MISCONCEPTION was that we could trade it for peace with our Arab neighbors.
The government only expanded Jerusalem borders and the Golan. The Jordan Valley was settled to grow summer fruit and vegetables for export. The same for northern Sinai, but Menachem Begin destroyed that.
The government also refused to call the Land by it's Jewish Biblical names. Instead of Judea, Samaria I live on the Westbank, territories "shtachim."
Today's mess is a continuation of that.
Bibi was raised by Revisionist Jabotinsky following parents, but he wants the approval and acceptance of the Leftists and the Americans. He doesn't have the guts to be the leader of a sovereign State of Israel.
History will judge him badly.
Gd Willing we'll survive. The proposed deal is horrendously dangerous. It's an invitation for more attacks and hostage taking.
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All reactions:
Michele Pogach, Sharon Pishner and 13 others